CO2 and TVOC sensor
We use the CCS811 sensor to detect CO2 and TVOC
CO2 KEYESTUDIO mainly uses the CCS811B chip, a miniature digital gas sensor that detects a wide range of volatile organic compounds (TVOCs), including equivalent levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) and metal oxide (MOX).
This is the code we used:
#include <CCS811.h>
void setup (void) {
Serial.begin (9600);
while (sensor.begin ()! = 0) {
Serial.println ("tete does not work");
delay (1000);
sensor.setMeasCycle (sensor.eCycle_250ms);
void loop () {
delay (1000);
if (sensor.checkDataReady () == true) {
Serial.print ("CO2:");
Serial.println (sensor.getCO2PPM ());
Serial.print ("ppm, TVOC:");
Serial.print (sensor.getTVOCPPB ());
Serial.println ("ppb");
else {
Serial.println ("Data is not ready!");
sensor.writeBaseLine (0x847B);
delay (1000);