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The team

We are students of Oriol Martorell, but we presented ourselves on our own initiative. We are all in the 4th year of ESO and we are between 15 and 16 years old. We are very motivated and determined to carry out this project and achieve our goals while learning from what interests us. 


Francesc Ivars Martínez

My name is Francesc and I am 15 years old.

I like history, geography, chemistry and technology. I'm a musician, I play the trumpet. I got into this project because I wanted to try new experiences to put myself to the test for tomorrow.

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Giol Vinyals i Roca

Hi, I'm Giol. I am super excited about this project. I love electronics, programming and everything related to technology. I’m also a musician and I love working with my team. I have the enthusiasm and excitement that makes the difference.


 Núria Ibars Almirall

I find this project challenging in many ways, I'm learning while doing. I like the atmosphere that we've created in this team and how we are achieving our objective whilst having fun.

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Genís Canet Vivo

I am so excited to make this work. I’m a musician and I also love to program and build up things. My friends told me about this project, and I can’t let this opportunity go. So may the force be with our parachute.


Alèxia Rexach Bertran

Hi, I'm Alexia, I'm 15 years old and I play the viola. I am very motivated and excited to be able to participate in this project. When I was asked if I wanted to join the team I didn’t hesitate for a second, I couldn’t pass up this opportunity to work and learn along with my friends.

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